Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Bucket of Crabs from Upland Fitness Boot Camp

A Bucket of Crabs from Upland Fitness Boot Camp

Have you ever seen a bucket full of crabs? They pinch and pull as they struggle to climb over one another to reach the top of the bucket - to freedom.

Ask any fisherman and they'll tell you that a bucket full of crabs doesn't need a lid - they simply won't escape.

Why? Well, it's not impossible for a crab to climb to the top, and really if they worked together it would be quite easy. But crabs don't work together...

Instinctively crabs pull each other down-literally.

When one crab breaks away from the pack, reaching its pinchers toward the top of the bucket, the others promptly grab onto the escapee's leg, pulling him back down. That crab is then pushed to the bottom of the pile and his dream of freedom is crushed.

People have a way of acting just like a bucket of crabs. Have you ever decided on a personal goal only to have someone in your life talk you out of it?

Do you have crabs in your life? A crab is...

* The person who discourages you from going to the gym
* The person who scoffs when you mention your weight loss goals
* The person who snickers when you choose salad over pizza

The crab mentality says "If I can't have it, then neither can you." When you decide to do something different, to reach for a goal and to improve yourself, the crabs in your life will do their best to hold you back.

Keep Crabs at Bay: When crabs come snapping, remember the following:

1. Ignore them: When someone in your life begins to pull you down with discouraging words, remember that you don't have to listen. Don't let them get into your head. Mentally tune them out or politely remove yourself from the situation. Who are they to tell you what you can or can't achieve?
2. Understand them: Ouch! Insults and put-downs hurt, especially when they come from people that we care about. So what is the deal? Why do your friends, co-workers and even your spouse turn into crabs when you decide to improve your life? Do they really hope that you don't succeed? The truth is that crabs are thinking about themselves-not about you. They see you attempting to better yourself and to change your life. Whether they realize it or not, this scares them. If you better yourself will you still like them? Or will you leave them behind?
3. You hold the power: Even the most persuasive crab doesn't hold a candle to your iron will. When you are ready to change, and you've made up your mind without an inkling of doubt, then 90% of the work is done. Your mind is the most powerful tool at your disposal-don't let a wimpy crab rob it from you.

Are you ready to make a positive change in your life? Don't wait any longer. Join the ranks of my successful clients- Join a club or boot camp, like Upland Boot Camp, today and surround yourself with people that will support you in your goal.

And don't let a single crab talk you out of it!

Tony Moore is a personal trainer and boot camp instructor.  He writes
articles like these to keep his boot camper's on track and motivated.  You
can learn more about Tony at

Ever wonder just how effective your workout routine really is Upland Fitness Boot Camp weighs in

5 Signs That You're Doing it Right

Ever wonder just how effective your workout routine really is?

Maybe you saw great results when you first started to exercise, but now those results have come to a screeching halt.

Want to know why?

If the following 5 statements accurately describe your exercise routine, then fear not-you're doing it right. However, if the following 5 statements don't describe your exercise routine then listen up-there's no better time than now to rev up your routine.

1. You Make the Most of Each Move: Gone are the days when workouts lasted more than an hour and you had time to single out each muscle individually. These days time is of the essence, and compound movements deliver excellent results in less time than ever before.

Not sure if your routine includes compound movements? Any exercise that uses two or more joints is considered to be a compound movement. Squats and lunges are great examples. If you want to pack even more benefit into each move then try adding a shoulder press with your squats and a bicep curl with your lunges.

2. You Keep it Intense: Let's be honest, at one time or another you've spent time in the gym 'exercising' without ever breaking a sweat. Maybe you drifted from one machine to the next or joined an aerobics class for a few minutes, but the bottom line was that your heart wasn't into it.

Workouts that lack intensity are practically a waste of time. Your body craves a challenge, and you see the most results when you keep your intensity high. Keep your workouts concise and push yourself with each exercise.

3. You're Consistent: Anyone can have one great workout, but one workout won't translate into killer results-only consistency will do that for you. Exercise must be a part of your daily routine, plain and simple.

One of the best ways to stay consistent with your routine is to do your workout at the same time everyday. We are creatures of habit, so once your exercise schedule has been firmly set you'll find the process to be automatic, rather than an occasional afterthought.

4. You Seek a Challenge: Just like hairstyles, exercise routines quickly become outdated. That is why the best routines are dynamic, and the worst routines never change. How do you know when your routine needs to be updated?

You'll know how effective your routine is by the results, or lack there of, that you experience. If you feel that you are simply going through the motions then stop wondering about the effectiveness of your routine and start doing something new.

5. You're Having a Blast: Do you dread the very thought of going for a jog, but force yourself to do it simply because you've no other ideas for exercise? Stop right there. Exercise is an enjoyable activity, especially when you find the form that is best suited for your personal preferences.

If you don't like exercise there is a good chance that your technique needs help. I pride myself in showing my clients the fun side of exercise-yes, exercise is fun!

If your routine includes all of the above then congratulations – you are doing it right. You're consistent, you challenge yourself and you're seeing results. However, if your routine doesn't include the above, you now have the blueprints to do it right.

Want a routine that incorporates everything you need to reach your fitness goals? Call or email Upland Boot Camp and I'll show you how to get amazing results in less time than you think.

Tony Moore is a personal trainer and boot camp instructor.  He writes
articles like these to keep his boot camper's on track and motivated.  You
can learn more about Tony at